Tuesday, November 26, 2013

If it weren't for bad luck...

Chibi from "The Birthday Massacre"

sooo...tonight was "The Birthday Massacre/Emilie Autumn" concert in Boston!! i was so excited to go, as i saw The Birthday Massacre about 6 years ago and they were incredible...so i have been waiting for them to come back around here again...because...well, they are my absolute favorite band and have been for nearly 9 years now...

sooo, a few months ago, i got my tickets and my son, who is now 20 years old, was supposed to come also...so it would have been our first concert together...but he scratched the cornea of his eye and literally can't see anything right now, so he decided to stay home (which i was bummed about)...

and soooo...tonight, we left 2 1/2 hours earlier for the show because Boston is an hour away from where i live...and i figured traffic etc...well...apparently i should have left at like 3pm...because we were stuck in traffic for literally 3 hours...and then i had to pee so badly, that we had to stop at a Whole Foods so i could go potty...then back on the road, they had a detour which got us lost...so Daddy stopped for directions...at this point, the show has already started and i am praying that Emilie would go on first...but no such luck...we finally get there about 8:05pm and literally get to see the birthday massacre taking down their set...we literally missed their entire set. :( i wanted to cry. But Daddy was a super hero and at least got me a kick ass Chibi autographed pic and an awesome birthday massacre colorful tape rose...

...after that i was so upset, because lets be honest, the whole reason i was going was to see MY favorite band...so i looked up at Daddy and just asked Him to brings me home. i wanted to cry, right in the middle of the club...but i didn't. we walked back to the car in the pouring rain, and drove home...but Daddy did another wonderful thing for me...he stopped at McD's and got me a happy meal (sans burger) and they messed up and gaved me TWO build a bear toys in it. :D so i gots a cute lil gingerbread girl and a cute lil teddy...oh and chocolate chip cookies, cause Daddy knows i loves them and don't gets them very often.
so yeh...after all was said and done...

we spent:
$56 for tickets to the show
$30 in gas
$2.50 in tolls
$10 for parking
$25 for the autograph pic (which is authentic)

quite an expensive night, to not even be able to see my band. :( soo now...i guess i will be waiting again until the next time they come...le sigh

But thank you Daddy, for being so wonderful and taking me anyways, an for trying to cheer me up when all i wants to do is cry...cause i am so uber bummed...

i is a sad sad lil girl tonights. :(

On a brighter note...one positive thing did come out of tonight...i came home to finding out that my writing that i posted last night has made it to Kinky and Popular on Fetlife...soo whoo hooo for me. :)

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